5e Spell Slot Tracker. Fits 12mm d6 with rounded edges. Each time you cast a spell you turn the die down to the next lowest number.
With this spell slot tracker you can keep track of all your expanded spell slots for the wizard class of the fifth edition of dungeons and dragons. From shop arcanicartistry. This is a handy spell slot tracker for your spellcasting character while playing the fifth edition of the world s greatest tabletop rpg featuring some dragons and some dungeons.
The issue is that you need to makes sure you don t bump the dice flip them or use them for you damage roll and forget where they were.
This calculator uses the multiclassing rules found in the 5th edition player s handbook with the assumption that artificers will be treated as half casters like paladins and rangers. Dnd tabletop rpg arcadewizard3dprints. D d 5e multiclassing spell slot calculator. This calculator uses the multiclassing rules found in the 5th edition player s handbook with the assumption that artificers will be treated as half casters like paladins and rangers.